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About Us

Our Vision

Emete Store has been operated and owned by a Melbourne Australia-based company since 2003. We are dedicated to providing excellence in the efficient supply and distribution of trending and genuine products at the lowest possible prices to our customers. We believe that our customers are the foundation of our business and we pride ourselves on the highest standards of customer service excellence. We pride ourselves on providing the best possible customer service across email, online chat, and phone. Rest easy knowing that your order is in good hands.

Our Mission is to provide our customers the choice to select the best product.

For their utmost satisfaction our team pride ourselves on our strong work ethic.

Our Company Value:


Openness with our team and customers. We learn to the issue & problems of our customers and provide solution properly.


Our Word and hard work is everything to us, our Customer's satisfaction are our guiding beacons.

Over Way Delivery

We always try to go beyond the expectations of our customers everyday over way delivery. 

We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments about our online store please don't hesitate to contact us at:

Team Emete